Cycle Against Suicide – The Photographers Story
Sitting in front of the screen trying to figure out how best to introduce what it is I want to write, but struggling to find the right direction. This may have something to do with the past week of intense photography that has just been undertaken, but we’ll see how it goes.
So we are over the half way mark for this year’s Cycle Against Suicide. Pictureboots has been involved in the capturing of this great event and it’s amazing participants who have under taken the responsibility of carrying this message around the whole of Ireland, ‘That it’s ok not to feel ok and it’s absolutely ok to ask for help’
Seems like a pretty basic message, right?
This basic message is very powerful, the people involved are ordinary but the power they hold is extraordinary.
And this is what that message looks like.
Together, shoulder to shoulder, we can Break the Cycle of Suicide on the island of Ireland
I feel there’s something that us photographers and perhaps other members of the crew are missing out on, as we skip ahead of the cyclists. As photographers we jump on board on the crew bus which is our mobile office and process all the images while making our way to the next town or school. We hear so much about the stories that the cyclists share with each other and the friendships that they make, but we don’t actually experience it first hand.
But everyday we see new groups of friends emerge and more and more hugs, hand shakes and kisses been exchanged, as photographers we creep around on the edge of this and document what is real. We see ourselves when we photograph you, and we see the situations that we would love to promote, we press a few buttons and then we share it back, the pictures we take are a great way for you to remember and relive your experiences.
The images taken also show the world via the online social media who you are an what you are doing. This visual is very important and involves everyone at home, from family members to new followers. Even down to our home stays, these wonderful people who have been opening their doors to us all, feeding us and giving us a warm welcome, these people need to see where you’ve come from and are only eager to see where you will be next.
One thing, that we have noticed this year is that the community is talking. When you see us photographers at that round about, or at the top of the road, shooting like crazy when you cycle past, you may not know, but we’ve been their for some time waiting on you to come.
We’ve had many conversations this week, with local people telling us how high the suicide rate is in their local town and how they know so many families that have been affected and even how their own family has been affected by suicide. These local community’s are so happy to have this message brought to their town, because they know first hand its needed.
If it weren’t for these cyclists in town, we wouldn’t be in town.
The local people wouldn’t be talking to us about the suicide rate in their town and this message would go unheard.
People are talking and that’s what this whole idea is about.
Keep up the good work everyone and we hope you enjoy looking back at the pictures 🙂
Thank you to very one involved.
The Pictureboots Team.